Biological Rhythms
Among them, the circadian rhythms (from the Latin circa, "around" and diem, "a day") which represent every variation over a period of about 24h (following the light/dark cycle caused by the rotation of the Earth) . All our organism's functions (body temperature, digestion, hormonal secretion, ...) are controlled by these rhythms, therefore it is essential to be aware of your own internal clock and to know how to listen to it.
Sleep is one of these rhythms, which is why it is very important that sleep is present in sufficient quantity and adapted to your individual needs. Today more than ever before, people either don’t get enough sleep or have irregular and unstable sleep timing due to professional and social constraints such as night work or international travel. These pressures together chronically disrupt the internal body clock.
However, disorders of these circadian rhythms can have effects both on our metabolism and our immune and cardiovascular system as well as on our psychic (depression, anxiety, ...).
On the contrary, becoming aware of our biological rhythms, and knowing their operation mode, will allow us to adapt our day according to our own needs, and thus, sleep better, improve our well-being and increase our performance.
But how to do it? To find out more, come and contact me:
Why should we care?
In business
Life quality
Sleep problems
daily fatigue
ability to make decisions
Reduced productivity
Risk increase
number of errors, poor decision making
risk of accidents on commutes
Economic loss
stress, anxiety, depression
concentration, memory, attention
Loss of 2 weeks of productivity per year per employee
100 billion euros lost per year in France
88% of the costs related to insomnia are paid by the employer (about 233 euros per employee per year)
speed of tasks execution
teamwork, employee engagement
innovation mindness, creativity

We have the solution
Clock & me is here to help and support you in your process. Thanks to my years of scientific research, and the advice of our experts, I will;
Help you understand this great mystery of sleep,
Provide your teams with tools to better manage their daily activities in order to optimize productivity at work and reduce errors,
Evaluate the sleep of your employees in order to find suitable solutions to reduce their fatigue.

In schools
of adolescents use social networks, especially before going to bed, causing sleep problems and other mental disorders
Decrease in academic achievement
daily fatigue
the ability to perform concurrent tasks
in attention
of concentration
Learning difficulty

stress management problems
Life quality
suicidal thoughts
of their pessimism about their future
We can help you
Clock&me is here to help you and educate students about the functioning of circadian rhythms in order to adopt a better lifestyle.
I am committed to;
Helping you understand this great mystery of sleep,
Providing teachers and students with tools to manage their daily activities (sports, food timing...) and optimize learning and well-being

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